Social Issue

What is your social issue? US and Mexico border
Why is it such a social issue? What do people disagree about in relation to this topic? That its useless
What is your proposed solution? make it easier for people to get visas Why do you think this is the best solution? less immigration will occur because people will actually want cross legally
What are pros to your solution? less people will cross illegally
What are cons to your solution? way too many people would want to move to the us
Any questions to your audience members for help on your topic? (Need to post at least 2 questions) will this be the best solution for the us? will this make the economy better?
(Ex. Do you agree / disagree that parents should be forced to vaccinate their children / allowed to skip vaccination requirements? Why or why not? agree because if its needed for the kids health i agree
Do you have any recommendations of sources, links, videos, data, etc that I could utilize for my research paper on this topic? type your topic on google and put a news network by it. articles will pop up.
How do you think I could improve my argument? make your title pop out get more people to click on it

3 thoughts on “Social Issue”

  1. While I believe that a large scale border wall would be ineffective, the border itself is extremely important. Such is important because it keeps two completely different countries separated from each other, keeping citizens of Mexico as Mexican citizens and US citizens as US citizens. Such also creates the two countries themselves. Removing such a border would most likely combine two different countries, creating one large US-Mexico country. Such would possibly create a large confusion in the international market, leading to possible markets based only in Mexico or only in the US to crash internationally.

  2. I don’t have any recommendations but this is a good social topic. Next time add more information and separate it more. Not just have it in one big paragraph.

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